Definitely middle of summer is not a good time for watching birds by galician countryside. Today I went to the region of "Terra chá", in Lugo. I have to say that first half of the morning was quite boring! I spend two hours walking without interesting watchings. A few common birds, as Common blackbirds (Turdus merula), a Buzzard (Buteo buteo) or a medium group of Spotless starlings (Sturnus unicolor) were my unique company.
There was a moment when everything came inmersed into a deep and overcoming silence. Neither bird, nor wind, nor cars noise on the road, during several minutes....Something completely unusual in hiper-humanized Galiza. I admite that was a little bit shocked for me. Only me and my camera in front of this strange empty Nature.
This morning I would like to be a good photographer, in order to be able to capture the intensity of these moments in the Espiñeira fields.
Later, I was at Arneiro and Veiga de Pumar. Then I could enjoy with the presence of birds! Particularly with Lesser krestell (Falco naumanni), a little falcon that visit the Terra Chá after nesting time, out of our country. I don´t know if these krestells come from O Bierzo (in Leon province) or from Castilla region, but of course, they are not from here.
Every summers, we receive the Lesser krestell visit, over the fields of Cospeito and Castro de Rei.
Now, krestells are moulting. In this photo we can notice the bad condition of wing feathers.
Best watching of the morning was a coupple of Black-shouldered kite (Elanus caeruleus) in a spot of Terra Chá. They were flying over a place where seems to be possible a nesting of this rare bird (it would be first in Lugo province, and second for Galiza!). Obviously I can´t reveal this place. I´m sure that people of "Numenius" (a local ornithology group) are making a follow-up of this case.
And the Cuckoo (Cucolus canorus)!! This specie has extinguished as a nesting bird in Ferrol region. Watching a cuckoo is always a gratification for me.
And the last one: a Marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) flying over a maize field. I ´ve seen this scene in Castilian plateau (in Zamora province) but never before here, where this harrier appears normally in marshes and lagoons.
There was a moment when everything came inmersed into a deep and overcoming silence. Neither bird, nor wind, nor cars noise on the road, during several minutes....Something completely unusual in hiper-humanized Galiza. I admite that was a little bit shocked for me. Only me and my camera in front of this strange empty Nature.
This morning I would like to be a good photographer, in order to be able to capture the intensity of these moments in the Espiñeira fields.
Later, I was at Arneiro and Veiga de Pumar. Then I could enjoy with the presence of birds! Particularly with Lesser krestell (Falco naumanni), a little falcon that visit the Terra Chá after nesting time, out of our country. I don´t know if these krestells come from O Bierzo (in Leon province) or from Castilla region, but of course, they are not from here.
Every summers, we receive the Lesser krestell visit, over the fields of Cospeito and Castro de Rei.
Now, krestells are moulting. In this photo we can notice the bad condition of wing feathers.
Lesser krestell (Falco naumanni)
Best watching of the morning was a coupple of Black-shouldered kite (Elanus caeruleus) in a spot of Terra Chá. They were flying over a place where seems to be possible a nesting of this rare bird (it would be first in Lugo province, and second for Galiza!). Obviously I can´t reveal this place. I´m sure that people of "Numenius" (a local ornithology group) are making a follow-up of this case.
Black-shouldered kite (Elanus cauruleus)
Common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)
And the last one: a Marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) flying over a maize field. I ´ve seen this scene in Castilian plateau (in Zamora province) but never before here, where this harrier appears normally in marshes and lagoons.
Marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus)
See you soon!!
Boas novas as do peneireiro cincento, pero non sabes da parella que estivo controlando Epi?.
Pois agora que o dís, algo sí que oira; tés razón! ¿Era pola zona de Verín, non?
ResponderEliminarGraciñas pola corrección, Marcos (xa modifiquei o texto).
Boas Xabi,
ResponderEliminarseica houbo un rumor de cria no Baixo Miño, a semana pasado andiveron unha ducia de leonados e media de negros por aqui, a este paso facemonos unha sucursal esteparia..
Olá, "Ashega":
ResponderEliminarNon dis se te refires a F. naumanni ou a E. caeruleus, pero desde logo que isto xa non é o que era...
Fíxate que agora spp de procedencia claramente mediterránea como Milvus migrans, Sturnus unicolor ou Sylvia melanocephala, están por todas partes. Mentras que taxóns máis eurosiberianos, tipo Emberiza citrinella ou Sylvia communis, van de capa caída!
Unha aperta, Ashi.
Caguen no blogger, vaime crear transtorno de persoalidade, segun entre polo chrome ou polo firefox cambiame o nome.
ResponderEliminarEra Elanius, naumanni houbo unha chea o ano pasado por estas datas no Suido, este ano quedeime coa dubida o outro dia.
Debiamos de ter unha faciana xeitosa o outro dia, mirando "parriba", iso e 1 neghro?, e outro?, outro..
Cesar (agora si)
Joder, César, que estou abucharando a Inés e máis xente para que me asinen os comentarios e ti sigues pasando de todo.
ResponderEliminarSe aplicásedes o 0,00000000000001 % da esixencia da escrita que facedes nas publicacións científicas coas comunicacións co resto de "Homo sapiens"...
Por certo, o último parágrafo non entendo nin torta (teño feito algún xeroglífico, pero non é o meu)
Pero tan difícil vos é???
oñio, debaixo de apertas non pon Cesar? Agora son eu o dos xeroglificos, mi non entender nada de blogger..
ResponderEliminarNada, falaba da cara de parvos que debiamos ter o meu compañeiro mais eu vendo pasar voitre tras voitre.
Asino de novo..
Co de parágrafo referíame a "debíamos de ter...etc". Xa vin que asinaches (desta volta)
ResponderEliminarE mira como entendiches agora. Moito me jode enfadarme carallo, pero é que se non é así, pasades de todo.
¿Preferides que poña o de "comentarios baixo aprovación do autor" e meter censura? ¿Non preferides ver o que escrebedes inmediatamente?
Pois xa sabedes o que tedes que facer...
Un abrazo.
Fale fale, mea culpa..
ResponderEliminarPero a min saeme asinado o anterior tamben..
Caguen no blogger, vaime crear transtorno de persoalidade, segun entre polo chrome ou polo firefox cambiame o nome.
Era Elanius, naumanni houbo unha chea o ano pasado por estas datas no Suido, este ano quedeime coa dubida o outro dia.
Debiamos de ter unha faciana xeitosa o outro dia, mirando "parriba", iso e 1 neghro?, e outro?, outro..
Cesar (agora si)